Friday, March 30, 2012

Site for Sore Eyes: The Kitchy Kitchen

Site for Sore Eyes: The Kitchy Kitchen:
When you come across a food photograph that is so scrumptious looking that you quite literally have to hold yourself back from licking your computer screen, you know that it's worth finding out more about the photo / recipe / etc. Such is the case with The tantalizing work of Claire Thomas, the mastermind behind The Kitchy Kitchen. I first came across her Homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches via Syndi on Pinterest, and have been torturing myself (in a good way of course) by stalking her site ever since.
Really, I double-dog dare you to visit her blog and not immediately scrawl down a shopping list so that you can recreate one of her tasty recipes. Even if you're not adept in the kitchen, the eye-candy on her site is worth a visit. Skedaddle on over and see more of The Kitchy Kitchen for yourself.
All images: Claire Thomas // The Kitchy Kitchen

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